The font called SS Corroded is pretty close –
Found at Michael’s artstore, the paper I found that was the closest to SS cards was a Strathmore Bristol/Sketch Pad 9×12 65 lb. Perforated at the top…I had to cut them down to 8.5 x 11 to use them in my NX415, and you have to make some serious adjustments to the saturation levels because the paper is extremely porous, it soaks up the ink like a sponge and everything prints way too dark…after a lot of adjustments, it came out pretty damn good!
I print the background and “dots” first, let it dry (paper is very spongy) and then print the rest in one shot…if you want real authenticity, print the background colors and dots (front and back) then do the dark blue and black on a laser printer or dye-sub to give it that slightly “raised” feel…
Real SS card paper is barely heavier than good bond paper. The new SS cards have OVI ink, micro-printing, and raised printing…they also have the issue date printed right on the front. Not to mention a REALLY intricate background that has graphics and text hidden in it. The old ones will still work for a long time though.
Strathmoore bristol vellum 70lb paper
Cut it relative to size then recut it with a perforation tool